


20039-20076月 太阳成集团tyc33455cc 护理本科

20079-201212月 太阳成集团tyc33455cc 内科学博士

2011.08-2012.08 美国凯斯西储大学 联合培养博士


主要担任中国生命关怀协会人文护理专业委员会常委,中华护理学会伦理委员会专家库成员,中国妇幼保健协会助产士分会委员,中国医学装备协会输血医学装备技术专业委员会委员,中国研究型医院学会护理教育专业委员会委员、湖北省护理学会护理教育专业委员会常委兼秘书、湖北省预防医学会卫生事业管理分会青年委员,湖北省科普作家协会医学科普创作专业委员会委员,武汉市护理学会常务理事,美国FAAN,同时担任世界光谷卫生健康事业规划与发展战略委员会委员,《Nurse Education Today》、《Gut Microbes 》《Journal of Clinical Nursing》、《Midwifery》、《Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health》等多个SCI期刊同行评审专家。


1. 国家自然科学基金项目,81903334, 肠道菌群及代谢产物短链脂肪酸在产前抑郁发生中的作用及机制研究,2020/01-2022/12, 20万元,主持

2.教育部人文社会科学研究,17YJCZH113,“互联网+” 集中群组式高龄孕妇健康管理模式构建研究,2017/07-2019/06, 8万元,主持

3. 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,2023AFB710,肠道菌群-免疫-脑轴介导的炎症反应在产前抑郁发生中作用及机制研究,2023-20258万元,主持,

4. 国家社科基金重大项目,21ZDA104, 全面推进健康中国建设的战略方向与动力机制研究, 2021/04-2023/0480万, 主要参与人

5. 国家社科基金面上项目,21BSH073,社会资本理论视角下女性围生期抑郁风险预测及干预策略构建研究,2022/01-2024/1220万, 第一参与人

6.湖北省自然科学基金项目青年项目,2017CFB343, 肠道菌群早期定植与婴幼儿肥胖的关系研究,2017/01-2018/123万元,主持


8.中央高校青年教师资助项目,2042015kf0062,产后社区健康教育模式的构建和评价,2015/01-2016/12, 5万元,主持

9.太阳成集团tyc33455cc健康学院自主科研重点项目,JSZD2016001,婴幼儿肠道菌群结构和变化 及其肥胖关系的队列研究,2016/07-2018/07, 10万元,主持


1. 学术型护理留学硕士研究生全英文项目,2023-2025,太阳成集团tyc33455cc全英文项目建设,10万元,项目负责人

2. 《护理理论》精品课程建设,2023-2025,太阳成集团tyc33455cc精品课程建设,4万元,项目负责人

3. 护理学科发展前沿,2023-2025,太阳成集团tyc33455cc研究学分课程建设,实验类,5万元,项目负责人

4. 太阳成集团tyc33455cc创新创业论坛,2023-2025,太阳成集团tyc33455cc创新创业实践项目,产学共建课程,项目负责人

5. 护理研究:理论与实践, 2021.07-2023.07, 太阳成集团tyc33455cc研究生教材建设培育项目,项目负责人

6. 新时代背景下护理研究生双导师制中外联合培养模式探究和实践,2021.04-2022.12,太阳成集团tyc33455cc研究生导师育人方式创新项目,项目负责人

7. 《护理理论》研究生“课程思政”示范课程,2021.4-2023.04, 太阳成集团tyc33455cc研究生课程思政项目,项目负责人

8. 《护理研究》MOOC课程建设,2021.04-2023.12, 太阳成集团tyc33455cc一流本科专业培养项目,项目负责人

9. 《营养学》混合式教学持续建设,2021.04-2023.12, 太阳成集团tyc33455cc一流本科专业建设项目,主要参与人

9.  本科生《护理研究》全英文课程建设,2015.092018.09,太阳成集团tyc33455cc全英文教学课程建设,项目号:307411800012,项目负责人

10.  研究生《护理研究》全英文课程建设,2020.06-2023.06,太阳成集团tyc33455cc研究生院全英文课程建设,项目负责人





1. Wu, N., Sun, Y., Qiu, T., Liu, J., Cao, Y., Zang, T., Fan, X., Bai, J., Huang, J*., & Liu YQ*. (2023). Associations of nighttime light exposure during pregnancy with maternal and neonatal gut microbiota: A cohort study. The Science of the total environment, 168292. 1TOP期刊)

2. Li M., Wang Y., Du M., Wang H., Liu YQ., Rrichardson., & Bai J.(2023).Working Hours Associated with the Quality of Nursing Care, Missed Nursing Care, and Nursing Practice Environment in China: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Nursing Management., 8863759 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/8863759

3. Sun Y.#, Huang Y#., Dai J., Liu J., Han L., Liu Z., Bai J., Xiao C*., &Liu YQ*. (2023). The Role of Chinese Medical Social Workers in a Children’s Hospital: A Qualitative Study. Clinical Social Work Journal, 51(4),389-400.

4. Qiu, T., Zang, T., Fang, Q., Xu, Z., Cao, Y., Fan, X., Liu, J., Zeng, X., Li, Y., Tu, Y., Li, G., Bai, J., Huang, J., & Liu YQ. * (2023). Cumulative and lagged effects of varying-sized particulate matter exposure associates with toddlers’ gut microbiota. Environmental Pollution, 336, 122389. 1TOP期刊)

5. Liu, J., Sun, Y., Fan, X., Zang, T., Han, L., Slack, J. E., Bai, J., Chen, H.*, & Liu YQ. *(2023). Effects of psychosocial sleep interventions on improving infant sleep and maternal sleep and mood: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep health, S2352-7218(23)00132-8.

6. Fang Q., Tu Y., Fan X., Zang T., Wu N., Qiu T., Li Y., Bai J., & Liu YQ. * (2023). Inflammatory cytokines and prenatal depression: Is there a mediating role of maternal gut microbiota? Journal of Psychiatric Research, 164, pp. 458 – 467.

7. Cao, Y., Zang, T., Qiu, T., Xu, Z., Chen, X., Fan, X., Zhang, Q., Huang, Y., Liu, J., Wu, N., Shen, N., Bai, J., Li, G., Huang, J.*, & Liu YQ. * (2023). Does PM1 exposure during pregnancy impact the gut microbiota of mothers and neonates? Environmental research, 231(Pt 3), 116304. 1TOP期刊)

8. Fan, X., Zang, T., Liu, J., Wu, N., Dai, J., Bai, J., & Liu YQ. * (2023). Changes in the gut microbiome in the first two years of life predicted the temperament in toddlers. Journal of affective disorders, 333, 342–352. 1TOP期刊)

9. Cao, Y., Wang, N., Zhang, Q., Shen, N., Bai, J., Luo, X*., & Liu YQ. * (2023). Effects of cognitive stimulation therapy on patients with dementia: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Experimental gerontology, 177, 112197.

10. Dai, J., Gui, Z., Fan, X., Liu, J., Han, L., Sun, Y., Shen, N., Bai, J., & Liu YQ * (2022). Effects of psychiatric disorders on ultrasound measurements and adverse perinatal outcomes in Chinese pregnant women: A ten-year retrospective cohort study. Journal of psychiatric research, 156, 361–371.

11. Han L., Wu J.X., Wu H.C., Liu J., Liu YQ. *, Zou Z.J.*, Liu J., Bai J.B. (2022). Validating the use of the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire in Mainland China: A descriptive, cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22:931.

12. Fan X.X., Zang T.Z., Dai J.M., Wu N., Chloe Hope, Bai J.B., Liu YQ. * (2022). The associations of maternal and children’s gut microbiota with the development of atopic dermatitis for children aged 2 years. Front. Immunol., 13:1038876. 1TOP期刊)

13. He J, Song J.Y, Zou Z.J, Fan X.X, Tian R.X, Xu J.Q, Yan Y, Bai J.B Chen Z*, Liu Y*, Chen X.L*(2022). Association between neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and hypoglycemia in Chinese women with diabetes in pregnancy and influence factors. Sci Rep. 10;12(1):16975.

14. Fan X.X., Dai J.M., He J., Tian, R.X., Xu, J.Q., Song, J.M., Bai, J.B., Liu, Y.Q.*, Zou, Z.J., Chen, X.L. (2022). Optimal gestational weight gain in Chinese pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus: A large retrospective cohort study. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 1447-0756.

15. Dai J.M#., Yu Y.#, Wang Y.C., Huang Y.Y., Liu J., Lin Y.M., Fan X.X., Zhang M.J., Xu X.F., Bai J.B., Chen H*., & Liu Y.Q.* (2022). The Experience of Pregnant Women in the Health Management Model of Internet-Based Centering Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Women’s Health., 14,1281-1289.

16. Dai J.M., Fan X.X., He J., Tian R.X., Xu J.Q., Song J.Y., Chen X.X., Han Lu., Chen Y.L., Peng L., Cao Q.Y., Bai J.B., Chen Z., Liu Y.Q., *, Zou ZJ., & Chen X.L. (2022). Is the Gestational Weight Gain Recommended by the National Academy of Medicine Guidelines Suitable for Chinese Twin-Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus? American Journal of Perinatology, DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1055/s-0042-1754319. ISSN 0735-1631

17. Xie T.Q., Han L., Wu J.X., Dai J.M., Fan X.X., Liu J., Liu Y.Q.*, Bai J.B. (2022). Psychometric evaluation of the pregnancy-related anxiety questionnaire-revised 2 for Chinese pregnant women. Midwifery,112,103411.

18. Wu Y.Y., Dai J.M., Chen X.X., Xie T.Q., Han L, Wu Y.Y., Chen Y.F., Liu Y.Q.*, Cai Z.X.*, Zhang W.H., Bai.J.B.(2022). Psychometric evaluation of the body understanding measure pregnancy scale Chinese version for pregnant Chinese women. Midwifery, 112,103394.

19. Chen Y.L., Peng L., He J., Wu J.X., Tian R.X., Xu J.X., Fan X.X., Dai J.M., An R., Song J.Y., Chen Z., Liu Y.Q., Chen X.L., Zou Z.J.* (2022). Impact of hepatitis B virus infection on maternal and infant outcomes of women with gestational diabetes mellitus: A three-year retrospective study. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications, 36(6), 108201.

20. Xie T.Q., Wang Y.C., Zou Z.J., Wu Y.Y., Fan X.X., Dai J.M., Liu Y.Q.*, & Bai J.B. (2022). Relationship between the gut microbiota and temperament in children 1–2 years old in Chinese birth cohort. Journal of Psychiatric Research,148,52-60.

21. Wu Y.Y., Han L., Chen X.X., He J., Fan X.X., Dai J.M., Liu Y.Q.*, & Bai J.B. (2022). Effects of thalassemia on pregnancy outcomes of women with gestational diabetes mellitus. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 48(5),1132-1140.

22. Kong H.H., Liu Y.Q.*, Wu K.D., Cui S., Bai J.B., & Fan X.X. (2022). Pain and self-management status among Chinese patients with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pain Management Nursing, 23(1), 26-30.

23. Liu Y.Q., Wang Y.C., Wu Y.Y., Chen X.L.*, & Bai J.B. (2021). Effectiveness of the CenteringPregnancy program on maternal and birth outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 120, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.103981. 1TOP期刊)

24. Han L., Cao Q.Y., Xie T.Q., Chen X.X., Liu Y.Q.*, & Bai J.B. (2021). Exploring the experience of nursing undergraduates in using gamification teaching mode based on the flow theory in Nursing Research: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 107,105158. 1TOP期刊)

25. Wang Y., Xie T.Q., Wu Y.Y., Liu Y.Q. *, Zou Z.J., & J Bai. (2021). Impacts of maternal diet and alcohol consumption during pregnancy on maternal and infant gut microbiota. Biomolecules, 11(3), 369.

26. An R., Chen X.L., Wu, Y.Y., Liu, J., Deng C, Liu Y.Q.*, & Guo, H. * (2021). A survey of postpartum depression and health care needs among Chinese postpartum women during the pandemic of covid-19. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 35(2), 172-177.

27. He J., Liu L.L., Chen X.L., Qi B.W., Liu Y.Q.*, Zhang Y.Y., * & Bai J.B. (2021). The experiences of nurses infected with covid-19: a qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(5),1180-1188.

28. He J, Chen X.L., Wang Y.C., Liu Y.Q.*, & Bai J.B. (2021). The experiences of the pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus: A systematic review of qualitative evidence[J]. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, 22,777-787.

29. Deng C, Chen X.L., & Liu Y.Q*. (2021). Human papillomavirus vaccination: coverage rate, knowledge, acceptance, and associated factors in college students in mainland China. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics,17(3),828-835.

30. Xie T.Q., Wang Y.C., Zou Z.J., He J., Yu Y., Liu Y.Q.*, & Bai JB. (2021) Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and breastfeeding duration influence the composition and dynamics of gut microbiota in young children aged 0-2 years[J]. Biological Research for Nursing, 23(3),382-393.

31. Liu Y.Q., Hu J.Y., Chen X.L., Yu Y.*, & Bai J.B. (2020). Effects of a health education program targeted to Chinese women adhering to their cultural practice of doing the month: A randomized controlled trial. Midwifery, 90, 102796.

32. Wang Y., Chen X.L., Yu Y., Liu Y.Q.*, Zhang Q.*, & Bai J.B. (2020). Association between gut microbiota and infant’s Temperament in the first year of life in a Chinese birth cohort. Microorganisms, 8(5):753

33. He J., Wang Y., Liu YQ*, Chen X.L.*, & Bai J.B. (2020). Experiences of pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review of qualitative evidence protocol. BMJ Open, 10: e034126. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034126

34. Liu Y.Q., Yu Y., Bai J.B., & Chen X.L*. (2020). Development and psychometric properties of the maternal health needs scale in Chinese maternal women. Midwifery, 81.

35. Wang Y., Liu Y.Q., Bai J.B., & Chen X.L.*. (2019) The Effect of Maternal Postpartum Practices on Infant Gut Microbiota: A Chinese Cohort Study. Microorganisms, 7, 511; doi:10.3390/microorganisms7110511

36. Liu Y.Y., Liu Y. Q., Petrini, M. A.* (2018). Effect of Information of Patients‘Coping Style on Pregastroscopy Anxiety. Gastroenterol Nursing, 41(1):47-58. doi: 10.1097/SGA.0000000000000302.

37. Liu Y. Q., Liu Y, Hua Y., Chen X. L.* (2017) Effect of Diet and Exercise Intervention in Chinese Pregnant Women on Gestational Weight Gain and Perinatal Outcomes: A quasi-experimental study. Applied Nursing Research, 36. 50-56

38. Liu Y. Q.*, Petrini M.A., & Maloni J.A. (2015). “Doing the month”: Postpartum practices in Chinese women. Nursing & Health Science, 17(1):5-14.

39. Liu Y. Q., Maloni J. A.*, Petrini M. A. (2014). Effect of postpartum practices of Doing the month on Chinese women’s physical and psychological health. Biological Research for Nursing, 16(1):55-63.

40. 孔含含, 刘燕群, 操静,. HIV/结核双重感染患者营养风险状况及影响因素分析[J]. 护理学杂志, 2021, 36(18):3.

41. 孔含含,刘燕群,操静,. 慢性肾脏病合并结核病人的营养风险及影响因素分析[J]. 全科护理,2021,19(33):4728-4731.

42. 王颖,余昀,刘燕群,陈晓莉.孕晚期孕妇肠道菌群与孕期体重增长的相关性[J].微生物学通报,2019,46(01):151-161.

43. 王颖, 余昀, 陈晓莉, & 刘燕群. 孕妇肠道菌群与婴幼儿肠道菌群及肥胖的关系研究进展 [J]. 微生物学杂志,201838(4): 97-104.

44. 袁春蕾, 刘燕群, 刘光华,. 集中群组孕期健康教育对孕妇分娩恐惧的干预效果[J].护理学杂志, 201732(18)27-29.

45. 扈菊英,王颖,刘燕群. 产妇坐月子行为与产后抑郁的相关性研究[J]. 护理学杂志,2017,3224),30-32.

46. 吴小佳, 刘燕群. 武汉市社区护士社会支持与工作满意度的现状及相关性研究[J]. 中国实用护理杂志, 2017, 33(18):1419-1422.

47. 喻惠丹, 蔡春凤, 刘燕群,. 同步临床实习模式下护理研究分段式教学[J]. 护理学杂志, 2017(16):77-79.

48. 李桂, 刘燕群, 扈菊英. 农村留守青少年的性心理现状及其影响因素分析[J]. 中国性科学, 2017, 26(8):146-150.

49. 欧阳艳琼,刘燕群,刘婧.规范伦理教育在妇产科护理学模拟教学中的应用[J].护理学杂志,2017,32(22):68-71.


1. 《产妇“坐月子”的身心健康研究》,太阳成集团tyc33455cc出版社,2018.09.

2. 《护理研究》,北京大学医学出版社,2016.01. 编委

3. 《实用护理学研究》,江苏凤凰科学技术出版社,2017.07. 编委

4. 《护理职业生涯发展与创新创业》, 太阳成集团tyc33455cc出版社,2018.11.副主编

5. 《护理临床思维》,人民卫生出版社,2022.04. 编委

6. The Health Status of Internal Migrants in China. Springer, Peigang Wang (Ed). Chapter 2 Utilization of Basic Public Health Services Among Internal Migrants.


202310月  第五届全国高校混合式教学设计创新大赛二等奖

20238月  中华护理学会全国青年教师技能竞赛第二名

20217月 湖北省青年护理教师临床技能大赛特等奖

20237月   第五届全国高校混合式教学设计创新大赛太阳成集团tyc33455cc选拔赛一等奖
